Past Newsletters from Dr. Cevey & Dr. Day

Exciting News! A Monthly Pediatric Video Series Just for You.
Dr. Barakah Day Dr. Barakah Day

Exciting News! A Monthly Pediatric Video Series Just for You.

Hi, this is Dr. Day, and I’m excited to introduce a new way for Cevey Pediatrics to connect with our patients through YouTube videos! Our goal is to provide valuable information, helpful tips, and support in a way that’s more personal and accessible. This first one highlights..

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“Thank you”
Dr. Cevey Dr. Cevey

“Thank you”

Most of you know that in August I sent my son, Josh, off to China for his first semester of college.  We as a family have been able to have group video chats on pretty much a weekly basis, but obviously it's not quite the same as actually having the whole family at home together.  Given that China obviously doesn't celebrate Christmas, I didn't think there was a chance that their semester breaks would be at the same time, but we realized in October that the end of my daughter Emily's winter break from Baylor actually would overlap for just under a week with the beginning of Josh's!  I would finally for the first time in over five months get to physically see both of them under my roof at the same time!  Though obviously thrilled and excited by that idea, I kinda forgot that I could take time off from work to also be home with them.

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When Are We Going to Decorate for Christmas?
Dr. Cevey Dr. Cevey

When Are We Going to Decorate for Christmas?

Earlier this week, Veronica asked me when we were going to start decorating the office for Christmas. For a long as I remember, I’ve always chosen to begin Christmas decorating at the office the same time we traditionally did so at home, which is after the Thanksgiving holidays are over.  I have a vague impression that in the last several years, the property managers of the building have started putting up Christmas lights shortly after Halloween, but prior to this year it’s never crossed my mind to consider also doing the same in the actual space that belongs to Cevey Pediatrics.

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A College Send-off in China
Dr. Cevey Dr. Cevey

A College Send-off in China

The normalcy of these last several days of being back at home on my sofa in my living room have made the events of the past week seem even more of a dream…

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My Favorite Mother's Day So Far
Dr. Cevey Dr. Cevey

My Favorite Mother's Day So Far

The topic of what I wanted to write about this month for my newsletter didn't hit me until today (the Saturday before Mother's Day tomorrow), but since it won't be posted until Monday, please excuse my slightly tardy Happy Mother's Day wishes. I hope all y'all who have little ones, or big ones that used to be little ones, will be able to look back on this Mother's Day with happiness and fond nostalgia.

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Embracing Change and Rediscovering Life's Phases
Dr. Cevey Dr. Cevey

Embracing Change and Rediscovering Life's Phases

Towards the end of this past week, we were talking at the office about our upcoming weekend plans, and it hit me that I'm coming up to a change in the phase of life I'm in... yup, I'm about to become an empty nester.  My daughter already left for college last fall, and over the course of the past year…

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Why I Became a Pediatrician with Dr. Barakah Day
Dr. Barakah Day Dr. Barakah Day

Why I Became a Pediatrician with Dr. Barakah Day

I was always told to do something I love because then it wouldn’t feel like work. I knew kids were fun to be around, and I admired kids for being concerned about things that matter. So I knew I wanted to do something involving kids, something hard, and something that helped people. Those were my only thoughts going into college. I had a lot of diverse interests, but it was easy to eliminate most other careers. For some reason, I couldn’t get anybody to pay me to play sports.

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Dr. Barakah “Berica” Day Welcomes New Patients to Join Her at Cevey Pediatrics in Alamo Heights
Dr. Cevey Dr. Cevey

Dr. Barakah “Berica” Day Welcomes New Patients to Join Her at Cevey Pediatrics in Alamo Heights

Cevey Pediatrics is located in the heart of San Antonio in the tranquil neighborhood of Alamo Heights. Our practice strives to offer you and your children the mom-and-pop feel of an old-fashioned solo practice in the setting of a modern, technologically updated office. Here at Cevey Pediatrics, we practice evidence-based medicine, but through the lenses of pediatricians who are moms themselves.

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