Flu Vaccine Season!
It’s time for flu vaccine season again! We again have two formulations to choose from, the injectable and the nasal spray. Both have the same coverage in terms of which four strains they are formulated to protect against. What’s the difference?
The injectable vaccine we have this year is the Flucelvax, which is actually a non-egg based formulation, so that those who have egg allergies don’t need to worry about an allergic reaction! Who is eligible for this vaccine? Anyone who is eligible for flu shots can get the injectable form. That covers anyone 6 months of age and older, and the dose is the same for everyone.
The nasal spray vaccine we have this year is still the FluMist, which is the same brand we’ve had in years past. Eligibility criteria for the FluMist are a little bit more restrictive, with dosing limited to those ages 2 years to 49 years who are not considered immunocompromised (for example those who are on immunosuppressants for an autoimmune disease or because they’ve received a transplant) and who don’t have a recent history of having asthma symptoms triggered by respiratory illnesses. Although the intent of the nasal spray flu vaccine is to offer a less scary “ouchless” opportunity for flu vaccination, keep in mind that some children are still scared, and if they are crying and producing lots of nasal discharge during and after the FluMist is given, that may actually “wash out” the vaccine so keep that in mind also when choosing the shot or the mist.
If you are under 9 years of age and getting a flu vaccine for the first time ever in your life, you will need two doses at least a month apart to provide adequate protection. Everyone else who has gotten at least two flu vaccines at any point in their life only needs one dose per year. This applies regardless of whether it is the nasal spray or the injectable vaccine, and the two formulations (as long as eligibility criteria are met) are considered interchangeable for the two separate doses.
How do you get a flu vaccine here? Call for an appointment! Parents can get flu vaccines along with their children if they are on the same insurance as their children and if they are scheduled along with their children when the appointment is scheduled. Anyone added last minute will have to pay out of pocket.
There’s no predictability anymore as to when “flu season” is. According to my kids, flu is already going around at their school. So, let’s get everyone protected!
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