Cevey Pediatrics 10 Year Anniversary!
October 1st marked the ten-year anniversary of the first day the doors of Cevey Pediatrics opened to see patients. As with all things in which we invest a whole bunch of energy into, these last ten years have somehow felt like ages have passed in the blink of an eye!
I looked up what the “traditional” 10 year anniversary present was, thinking I was going to get the office some kind of commemorative decor. Tin or aluminum is what Google said, much to my disappointment, and my mind immediately nixed images of rusty tin cans arranged in some kind of attempted artistic configuration.
Well, I guess all I’m left with is to reflect on what has changed and what has remained the same over this time period:
What’s changed:
Though we still have a pet/mascot, instead of a Texas spiny lizard named Lizzy, we have a guinea pig named Gingersnap.
We have expanded from the initial three exam rooms with just a single waiting room to five exam rooms with a well and and a sick waiting area.
My husband and I are parenting high schoolers instead of elementary school aged children; teenagers are way more difficult! But now I have personal experience with my own kids at all ages of patients that I see, and a wider base of experience is always a better thing.
“Curbside” appointments during the height of the pandemic. (thankfully less often now again!)
The availability of PCR testing to specifically identify exactly which bacteria/ viruses/ parasites we’re dealing with for certain disease processes. This has actually been extremely informative in helping me recognize symptom patterns more specifically associated with specific bacteria and therefore target treatment decisions earlier.
What’s stayed the same:
With the exception of a couple of years in the middle and rare short vacations (at least before COVID), my patients know they’re always seeing the same doctor!
Though Veronica wasn’t here right when this location opened, she’s been a fixture at the front desk for over the last eight years!
The four-year-old vaccines come with a small stuffed animal (though the specific toys have changed over the years!)
My patients have always had 24/7 after hours direct email or phone access to me.
My approach to patient care is still based on applying the foundation of evidence-based medicine in an individualized approach to each patient taking into account his/her unique situation.
What I treasure the most is the relationship I build with each family over the years, as well as every present and piece of artwork any patient has ever bestowed upon me.
I wonder what the next 10 years will bring!
We've updated our appointments policy at Cevey Pediatrics. It is our intention to provide your children the best care possible at all times and to accommodate as many requests as is realistic and feasible. It is within this context that we ask you to take a few moments to review our new policy below:
Cevey Pediatrics Appointments Policy