My Favorite Mother's Day So Far

The topic of what I wanted to write about this month for my newsletter didn't hit me until today (the Saturday before Mother's Day tomorrow), but since it won't be posted until Monday, please excuse my slightly tardy Happy Mother's Day wishes. I hope all y'all who have little ones, or big ones that used to be little ones, will be able to look back on this Mother's Day with happiness and fond nostalgia.

This is my 19th Mother's Day that I have celebrated as a mother.  For the first several, it was of course my husband having to step in.  Once my children were in school, his efforts were augmented by precious footprint and handprint artwork, endearing paper and dried pasta crafts, other keepsakes with adorably innocent answers to fill in the blank statements about their perceptions of who their mother is, and treasured handwritten poems about mothers.  At the time I didn't think anything could top how much I treasured those gifts and memories of those Mother's Days.

Over the next years, though, they started personally coming up with ideas of what they imagined I'd like, and though initially my husband had a pretty big role in the execution of their plans, gradually my Mother's Day celebrations became more truly gifts from my kids' hearts.  I did one year ask my kids to be willing to eat one serving of vegetables a day without complaint, and then the next year they were even able to predict that what I would ask for would be for them to eat two servings of vegetables per day.  Ha ha, probably only something a pediatrician mom would come up with!

Earlier this week, my son asked me what I wanted this year for Mother's Day, and I casually suggested that they help me with finishing up the gardening project I've been working on, not sure if they would choose this zero cost but more laborious option.  It's not particularly difficult, but there's only so much that I could get done working just on Saturday mornings for a few hours.  He thought about it and said, "OK, I think that's something I can do" and apparently even coordinated this with his sister.  At 8:30 this morning, my two adult teenage kids willingly got out of bed and even before eating any breakfast went outside and did manual labor involving dirt, bugs, weeds, and the lot.  It took all of us just a little longer than an hour to finish what it might have taken me at least a couple more Saturday mornings to complete.  As we threw away the last of the landscaping fabric that I had decided was doing more harm than good, my heart burst with happiness – my whole family was home, and the project that I had decided was the next step in my first attempt at a new hobby was completed with the fully invested cooperation of my kids who understood that helping me finish it would make me happier than all the typical Mother's Day gifts combined.  This really has been my favorite Mother's Day in my whole life so far!

April Practice Topics with Cevey Pediatrics
(click on each topic to learn more)

We've updated our appointments policy at Cevey Pediatrics. It is our intention to provide your children the best care possible at all times and to accommodate as many requests as is realistic and feasible. It is within this context that we ask you to take a few moments to review our new policy below:

Cevey Pediatrics Appointments Policy


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